Inventors of biotechnologies as well as potential investors, interested in biotechnologies are faced with the number of questions from protection of intellectual property and registration of necessary documents up to organization of the industrial production of biopreparations. Mainly the comprehensive answers to these questions can be obtained from official documents (specifications, technical regulations, production schemes, etc), that are issued for a long time and require the elaboration by sufficiently qualified professionals and respectively – the huge expenses.
We engage in carrying out such works, giving prompt and fully reasoned consulting on the stage of strategic decision-making.
For example:
- Review of potential market segments for application of biopreparations and identification of potential competitors.
- Indication of the advantages and disadvantages of biopreparations comparing with competitive products.
- Evaluation of advisability and practicability of particular technology.
- Investigation for the possibility of application of alternative technology.
- Commercial proposals for rent of a technical platform having special facilities for performing particular technology.
- Approximate calculation of expenses for launching the own biotechnological production.
- Prediction of possible challenges in organizing and manufacturing technology of particular new production.
- etc.
Having large experience in complex organization of microbial synthesis processes and comprehension of all possible nuances of biotechnologies, high-qualified professionals in various areas and broad informational database of biotechnological industries, we have an ability to give rapid and complete consulting in strategic and particular questions related to biotechnological industry.
We deal with complex organization of biotechnological factories from registration of necessary documents to installation and launching of equipment. Also we have our own facilities for manufacturing of biosynthesis production, so we can consult you in diverse questions related to microbial synthesis biotechnology.
For obtaining a consultation you may submit a question in the form of a technical task pointing the desired degree of reliability (low, medium, high), and necessary completeness of data (full, short). In case of difficulties with task definition our professionals can consult you by phone. Consulting in questions that require detailed calculations and information search are chargeable with price depending on necessary reliability and completeness of information.
The responses on your questions will be given in the report form.